Why do research and what's in it for me?

Research is an essential part of health care. We need to do research to develop new treatments or to decide which is the best treatment or care.

By participating in research you'll be taking a more active role in your health care. You'll also be helping others.

We'll take what we learn from the study that you're on and we use that information. This helps us to give better care and treatment to others who share the same condition as you.

How long is a research study?

Each study is different. Some will need face to face appointments and some can be done online at home or by telephone. The average trial can last up to 12 months, but some run for a number of years.

What if I need time off work to attend study appointments?

We’ll give you a medical certificate if you’re taking part in a study and you need to take any time off work.

What if I no longer wish to participate?

Participation isn’t compulsory. If you no longer wish to take part in a research project, you can refuse. Your treatment won’t be affected and you’ll continue to get the best care we’re able to offer.

I'm interested in taking part in a research study - what now?

We’re currently looking for people to take part in the following clinical trial areas:

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • Dengue fever.

We also keep a healthy volunteer database.

If you’re interested in taking part in research, you can register your details with our Clinical Trials Unit.

Clinical Trials Unit

Phone: 07 4226 8085
Email: CairnsCRU@health.qld.gov.au

You can also see if the following registers have any trials you think may be suitable.

Our commitment to you

As a patient of Cairns and Hinterland Hospitals you:

  • will only be asked to take part in a research project if it’s right for you
  • can be sure that your treatment won’t be affected if you decide not to take part in a research project
  • will receive full information about the project.

Human Research Ethics Committee

Our Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) review research proposals involving human participants. Their job is to decide if the research is ethically acceptable.

The research must meet recognised ethical standards and respect the dignity, rights, safety and wellbeing of the participants.

Read more about our FNQ HREC Committee.