Patient experience survey

We would like to hear your views in response to the following questions. This will help us understand what we do well and what we can do better. This survey is anonymous and should take 10 minutes to complete.

If you require further information in relation to this survey please contact: Cairns Telehealth Coordination Team, email

The telehealth consultation was convenient for me.
My telehealth consultation was at the closest facility to my house
The telehealth consultation saved me time
The telehealth consultation saved me money
I was seen on time
I could clearly see the person on the screen
I could clearly hear the person on the screen
I was comfortable using the telehealth consultation service
My telehealth consult met my needs
I was treated with respect
I was asked for my consent before any treatments were provided
Staff checked my identity (name, date of birth) before they gave me medicine or treatments
I was asked if I would like to use an interpreter or another support person during my care
Given the choice, I would prefer a telehealth consult to an in person consult
I know how to make a complaint or give feedback about my care.
Overall, I would rate my care through the telehealth service as:
I am a
May age is
English is my preferred language
I identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin (for people who identify as both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, please tick both 'Yes" boxes)