Free Wi-Fi

To help you stay connected with family and friends during your stay, the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service provides a free Wi-Fi service for patients, families and visitors.

Network name: QH-FreeWiFi You don’t need a password.

This service works on most Wi-Fi enabled devices at Cairns Hospital and Cairns North Community Health Centre.

Accessing the Wi-Fi network

Select the ‘QH-FreeWiFi’ network on your device.

Read the terms and conditions. Once you agree and accept, you’ll be connected.

You’ll need to re-accept the terms and conditions after 12 hours of continuous use, or if your device is inactive for more than 30 minutes.

For more information please read the Queensland Health Wi-Fi Internet Terms of Use that appear on your device when you connect to QH-FreeWiFi.

What websites can’t be viewed and why?

Due to network capacity, streaming websites for movies, radio, TV and other on-demand content such as Netflix are limited in service quality.

Using your mobile

Mobile phones can be used in most areas of the hospital, including your room. We’ll let you know if you can’t use them.

Public telephones

Public telephones take either coins or cards and are located at convenient positions around the hospital.

  • Block C – first and second floor foyers
  • Block D – ground floor
  • Mental Health foyer

Bedside phones for patients are supplied by Queensland Health. Instructions on how to use them are on the telephone handset.

The system uses a Telstra Phoneaway card, which you can buy at the information desk on the ground floor of Block D.

TV and radio

Due to safety reasons, private electrical appliances, including television and radios aren’t allowed.

Private battery operated radios, mobile phones, iPads, iPods and tablets are allowed as long as they’re used with headphones. We don’t accept any responsibility if any of your items are lost.

There’s usually an interactive patient station at your bedside. You may have to pay to use the television.