The Crisis Support Space (CSS) is a non-clinical partnership with Mind Australia, providing people seeking face to face mental health support with a peer led, non-clinical, therapeutic environment as an alternative to presenting to the Emergency Department.

It is open to the community for direct access or via a referral from the Emergency Department.

For urgent help

If you're distressed and need immediate help, call triple zero (000).

Who is the service for?

The CSS is for individuals aged 18 years old and over who do not require medical treatment but who may have otherwise presented to the Emergency Department when they are experiencing psychological distress, or a mental health crisis.

The service is for anyone, including people who are experiencing suicidal ideation or having thoughts of self-harm, people with or without a pre-existing mental health diagnosis, people who are feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope, experiencing trauma, grief or other economic, social, and personal crisis.

Location and hours of operation

The CSS is located on the Ground Floor, A Block, Cairns Hospital and is open:

  • Monday to Thursday 12 pm to 8 pm
  • Fridays 11 am to 8 pm
  • Weekends 8 am to 8 pm

You do not need an appointment as this is a walk-in service.

You can contact CSS for further information on 1300 MHCALL (1300 64 22 55).

For further information or support

For more details about crisis support space programs – watch these short videos featuring interviews with peer workers, clinicians and consumers.

What is a Crisis Support Space?

What's different about Crisis Support Spaces?

Crisis Support Space consumer reflections

What do peer workers do?