Cancer care

The Liz Plummer Cancer Care Centre at Cairns Hospital coordinates cancer treatment for people in the Cairns and Hinterland regions and the Torres Strait Islands and Cape York.

The centre provides specialist outpatient clinics and treatment in Haematology, Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology.

Click on the links below for best contact details or phone 07 4226 7072 and follow the prompts.

Cancer care coordination

We have a cancer care coordinator service to help some people understand and coordinate their cancer treatments.

You may be able to access this service if you:

  • live in a rural and remote location
  • are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person
  • need help with your carer responsibilities or in coordinating appointments.

You must have a cancer diagnosis, have a Medicare card and be a patient of the Cairns Cancer Care service. You don’t need a referral from your GP.

What we can help with

We can:

  • be the primary point of contact for you and your health care team
  • help coordinate your hospital appointments
  • liaise with and refer to other hospitals, GPs and other community services in your ongoing care
  • help you understand consultations, treatment plans and treatment outcomes
  • support you and your family
  • give you information and advice about services to help with your independence.

Call us on 1800 075 929 for more information.


We use telehealth to provide specialist cancer services closer to home for rural, remote and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.

Using videoconferencing means you don’t need to travel as much to see your doctor or your specialist.

You may be able to use telehealth for haematology and bone marrow transplantation, medical and radiation oncology, palliative care, nursing and allied health.

Ask your doctor or specialist if you can use telehealth for your appointments. You can also call us on 07 4226 6818 for more information.

Palliative care

We work closely with the Gordonvale Hospital to provide palliative care services. We also work with GPs, community health services, the Queensland Cancer Council, the Leukaemia Foundation and other community services.