Chief Executive

Leena Singh


Headshot of Chief Executive Leena Singh

Leena Singh commenced in the Chief Executive role in February 2023.

Leena has over 20 years' experience in senior executive roles in health systems in New South Wales, Queensland and New Zealand with particular skills in strategic development, governance, and health systems improvement.

Her wealth of experience includes holding Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer roles in a range of Health Services and other organisations.

Leena is an accomplished leader, known for her ability to build relationships with stakeholders and staff, bringing people together to align to a shared strategic vision.

Leena is committed to helping improve the health outcomes of the local community, particularly those who are most vulnerable.

Chief Operating Officer

Jenelle Matic

BNurs (Hons), GradCert (Acute Care Nsg), MBA

Headshot of Chief Operating Officer Jenelle Matic

Jenelle was appointed to the newly created Chief Operating Officer role in July 2024.

Having previously worked at Western Sydney and South Western Sydney Local Health District’s, where she held senior roles including most recently the General Manager of Westmead Hospital.

Jenelle has an academic background in both business and nursing, having spent extensive time in both front line and management roles within tertiary and metropolitan facilities in NSW.

She has held leadership roles in the fields of critical care nursing, patient safety and quality, medical operations, and surgical services.

Jenelle is passionate about ensuring there is a responsive, effective and quality based approach to service delivery along with cultivating a safe and positive environment for all staff to work within.

Acting Chief Finance Officer

James McGuigan

Headshot of Acting Chief Finance Officer James McGuigan

James McGuigan is currently acting as Chief Finance Officer.

James has over 23 years’ experience in health in both private and public sectors.

He is a Fellow of the Australian College of Health Service Management and a Fellow of CPA Australia.

Executive Director People and Culture

Cheryl Winstanley

LLB (Masters of Law), GAICD

Headshot of Executive Director People and Culture Cheryl Winstanley

Cheryl Winstanley was appointed to the Executive Director of People and Culture in October 2023.

She has extensive senior level human resource management experience in the public and private sector. This includes working most recently as a Darwin based workplace relations consultant, an Executive Director in the Officer of the Commissioner for Public Employment for the Northern Territory Government, and HR director with the NT Government.

Cheryl is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and holds a Masters of Law and Mediation qualifications from QUT.

Executive Director Medical Services

Adjunct Clinical Professor Don Mackie


Headshot of Executive Director Medical Services Don Mackie

Don Mackie was appointed in June 2019 and has over 20 years of experience in clinical leadership roles in Australia and New Zealand.

He originally specialised in anaesthesia and has worked in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Most recently, Don held the role of Executive Director of Medical Services and Clinical Governance with the Central Adelaide Local Health Network.

Previously, he was New Zealand Ministry of Health Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Director General: Clinical Leadership, Protection and Regulation.

Before that, Don was Chief Medical Officer at Counties Manukau District Health Board.

Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery

Cameron Duffy

BN, Grad Dip (Health Admin & Information Systems), MDem

Headshot of Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery Cameron Duffy

Cameron Duffy was permanently appointed as Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery Services in December 2022 after acting in the role since August 2022. He has been a Registered Nurse for over 27 years, starting in the private sector on the Gold Coast before commencing with Wide Bay HHS (WBHHS) in 1995.

He fulfilled numerous nursing leadership roles including being the acting Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery for WBHHS from early 2021. During that time, he took a critical leadership role as part of the pandemic response.

Cameron has a Masters of Dementia and has collaborated with university partners on several projects in dementia research.

Executive Director Allied Health

Tania Cavanagh

B Physiotherapy, GAICD

Headshot of Executive Director Allied Health Tania Cavanagh

Tania Cavanagh was permanently appointed to the role in June 2022 after acting in the position since March 2020.

Tania has worked for over 30 years as a Physiotherapist. This has been in clinical and clinical leadership roles, in both public and private sector health settings, across Australia and overseas in the United Kingdom.

In 2004, she became the Health Service's Director of Physiotherapy and has also acted for long periods in the Director Allied Health role.

Tania is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association, a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and currently a Director on the James Cook University Dental Board.

Executive Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Simone Lukies

Headshot of Executive Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Simone Lukies

Simone Lukies was permanently appointed in the Executive Director of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health position in December 2023.

Simone has seventeen years’ experience in the health industry working towards improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.

She has done this by working to better systems, strategies, and services, across a variety of disciplines including Pharmacy, Sexual Health, Rheumatic Heart Disease and eHealth projects.

Executive Director Strategy, Planning and Infrastructure

Dean Davidson

BComm, MBA

Headshot of Executive Director Strategy, Planning and Infrastructure Dean Davidson

Dean Davidson was appointed as the Executive Director Strategy, Planning and Infrastructure in January 2024.

He has previously worked for Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service (TCHHS) and commenced as the Director Contracts and Procurement in 2016 and since 2017 has held several Executive roles inclusive of the acting Executive Corporate Services, Executive Director Asset Management, Executive Director Strategy, and Investment and for the last 6 months with TCHHS was the acting Health Service Chief Executive.

Dean has a Bachelor of Commerce (Business Logistics, Business Administration & Economics) from the University of Natal, South Africa and a Master’s In Business (MBA) from the University of Otago, New Zealand.